Wednesday, January 1, 2020

نموذج اختبار وورد 2010 باجاباته

يحتوي الكتاب على نموذج جاهز لاختبار وورد 2010 وفقاً لنماذج اختبارات الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى ICDL بترجمة الاسئلة من الانجليزية للعربية و شرح طريقة الاجابة عليها.

Monday, December 30, 2019

MongoDB | ProgrammingKnowledge

I have Always been asked to share my code which I use in my video. Answering people’s questions is great, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem always felt good. The only problem I have is making tutorials is a little bit time consuming. It requires planning the subjects that need to be covered, recording the tutorial, editing the video, rendering it and finally uploading it on YouTube.
So I need your help in Collecting All the codes at one place. I made a website Cod

Printing in Excel tutorial with pictures and video

Printing in Excel is very easy, but it requires to know some setting to be correct . See the following video to know the exact way for printing in Excel and read the following tutorial with pictures it can help you:

Explaining the right way of printing in excel

printing in Excel full tutorial step by step with pictures:

1- select the range that you want to print.

2- click on file tab then choose print.

3- Define the number of copies you want to print or type it directly.

4- define the printer that you want to use for printing.

5- choose print selection in order not to let the program print all cells in the sheet.

6- If the selected range is more than one page, you can choose to print pages from the number you want to the number you define.

7- If you like to print many copies, I recommend you to let the default option "collated" as it prints every copy and after finishing start printing the next one and so on.

8- choose the direction of printing as per your sheet it may be portrait "vertical" or landscape "horizontal".

9- After that choose the print size as you like.

10- Choose the margins as default values "normal, wide, narrow" or type the numbers for each side of your margins by choosing custom, you can also choose last custom settings to use the last margins you defined before.

11- finally choose the scale you want for printing, the default setting is no scale. if you choose fit sheet on one page it will be printed in one page whatever the number of columns or raws so that it may be so small, if you choose Fit all columns on one page it gives you the chance to print all columns in your sheet in one page but it may print the rows on many pages as per the amount of your data. And if you choose Fit all rows on one page it gives you every rows on one page but it may prints some columns on other pages.

I explained to you every normal setting for printing except the page set up as it will be in a separate advanced tutorials, I wish it helps everybody. do not forget to leave your comment.

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